Contract parking

You can park long times inexpensive with a monthly parking contract. Year-round warm garage is a good alternative to, for example, street parking
oleva pysäköintitila on erinomainen vaihtoehto esim. taloyhtiön kadunvarsipysäköinnille.

Contract parking

The price of the parking permit is € 100.00 / month (including VAT).

Jalankulkuovet aukeavat autosi rekisteritunnuksella

Invoicing information

For long-term parking invoicing matters, please contact us by

phone 0438258185 (Melina Pajunen).

Access to parking hall

Access around the clock to the car park is from the stairs on the north side of Tikkurilan square. There are also two other entrances at Tikkurilantori 1 (Asematie 5) and at Männistönpolku 3 (the corner of Germanianpolku and Männistönpolku).

Additional information

For more information on contract parking, please contact Suomen Pysäköinninhallinta by email: or by calling
050 408 4855 ark. 08.00–16.00.

Interested in monthly parking agreement?

Print and fill out the application. Send the signed application as an attachment via email to

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